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Welcome to the Buddhist Temple of Toledo Podcasts.  

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May 25, 2020

This Dharma Talk was given By Jay Rinsen Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo.  In this talk, Roshi continues his exploration of the Song of Realizing the Way, by Ch'an Master Yung-Chia.

To learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a contribution in support of this podcast, please visit...

May 18, 2020

This Dharma talk was given by the Reverent Jay Rinsen Weik at the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this talk, Rinsen Roshi discusses a passage from the "Song of Realizing the Way" by 8th century Zen Master Yung-chia.

If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, or to make a...

May 12, 2020

This is a Dharma Talk given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this talk Rinsen Roshi discusses the vital business that comes after awakening.

If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit...

May 4, 2020

This Dharma talk was given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik at the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo.  In this talk,  Rinsen Roshi talks about what it means to see into the path of the Dharma.  If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, or to make a contribution in support of this...