Sep 30, 2019
This Dharma talk was given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik at the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this talk, Rinsen Roshi talks about the importance of loving-kindness, and how commitment to kindness towards yourself and others can help you be happy.
Sep 23, 2019
This is a Dharma Talk given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this talk, Rinsen Roshi gives a teaching on the invocation used in liturgy and goes into detail about the meaning of each part.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a...
Sep 16, 2019
This Dharma talk was given the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik at the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this talk, Rinsen Roshi explains that it is not who we are, but how we are in the world that can make a difference in our own lives as well as the lives of others.
If you would like to learn more about the...
Sep 9, 2019
This Dharma talk was given the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik at the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this talk, Rinsen Roshi presents a guided meditation and encourages the Sangha to see each thing as it arises.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, or to make a contribution in...
Sep 2, 2019
This is a Dharma Talk given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this talk Rinsen Roshi discusses the link between sitting, Sangha, and your practice.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of this podcast please visit...