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Oct 30, 2017

This Dharma Talk was given by Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo.  In this talk, Rinsen examines the monastic training tradition that has transmitted Zen practice for over 2000 years.  How can we engage in this practice outside of the monastery in the modern world?

To learn more about the...

Oct 26, 2017

This is a Dharma Talk given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo.  In this talk Rinsen Sensei explores becoming the Way, the importance of showing up knowing that you don't know, and letting go of the need to know.

If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or...

Oct 23, 2017

This Dharma Talk was given by Rinsen Sensei at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo.  Sensei uses Case 38 of the Gateless Gate (Wu-Tsu's Buffalo Passes Through a Window) to examine how the seemingly opaque stories of the koan tradition can be used to bring life and immediacy to our Zen practice.

To learn more about the...

Oct 19, 2017

Hunger for the Great Way is essential if you are to complete Zen training.  However, it is not a sprint.  It is the effort of a lifetime.  So how do you pace yourself?

In this Dharma Talk given by Rinsen Sensei at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, he explores the role that Ango plays in the annual training cycle, and why...

Oct 16, 2017

This is a dharma talk given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo.   In this talk, Rinsen Sensei explores case 38 of the Gateless Gate (Wuzu’s ox tail).    Rinsen Sensei asks how we can discover our true selves and live authentically, rather than get hooked into the stories we (and...