Dec 31, 2015
A Dharma Talk with Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei, Abbot of the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo.
The suggested donation for this podcast is only $1. Please consider what The Drinking Gourd podcasts mean to you! _/\_
Dec 24, 2015
A Dharma Talk with Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei, Abbot of the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo.
The suggested donation for this podcast is only $1. Please consider what The Drinking Gourd podcasts mean to you! _/\_
Dec 17, 2015
A Dharma Talk with Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei, Abbot of the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo.
The suggested donation for this podcast is only $1. Please consider what The Drinking Gourd podcasts mean to you! _/\_
Dec 10, 2015
A Dharma Talk with Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei, Abbot of the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo.
The suggested donation for this podcast is only $1. Please consider what The Drinking Gourd podcasts mean to you! _/\_
Dec 3, 2015
A Dharma Talk with Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei, Abbot of the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo.
The suggested donation for this podcast is only $1. Please consider what The Drinking Gourd podcasts mean to you! _/\_