Aug 31, 2017
This Dharma talk and discussion was given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this talk, Rinsen Sensei explores case 37 of the Gateless Gate, (Joshu’s Oak Tree). Rinsen explores the nature of koan practice and how it can be used to help us unhook from the words that describe a...
Aug 28, 2017
This Dharma talk was given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik at the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this talk, Rinsen Sensei discusses the kind of intelligence that goes beyond boundaries.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, or to make a contribution in support of this...
Aug 24, 2017
This talk was given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo. Rinsen Sensei addresses a hate crime that occurred in the Toledo area, and the response of the community.
The teachings of Buddhism present a response of compassion that is not surrender or acquiescence. How do we get to that...
Aug 21, 2017
This Dharma talk was given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik at the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this talk, Rinsen Sensei explores Case 39 of the Gateless Gate, Yunmen's "You Have Misspoken".
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, or to make a contribution in support of this...
Aug 17, 2017
This talk Dharma talk was given by Rinsen Sensei at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo during Spring Ango of 2017. Rinsen explores the nature of fundamental perfection and how it runs counter to the stories we tend to tell about ourselves.
To learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, please visit...