Jul 27, 2008
Jay Rinsen Chikyo Weik gives a talk and leads a discussion at the Toledo Zen Center on April 9, 2008.
"One of the things that people run smack into when they come to a place like this for the first time is, there's a bunch of ritual happening. What's that all about? What's the deal with all the bowing and the incense and all that kind of thing? These are moments of re-awakening, if they're used well. They're supposed to be moments of re-checking-in to the moment, to the now."
For more information about the Toledo Zen Center, please visit toledozen.org. The Toledo Zen Center is a member of the Hermitage Heart Sangha, online at hermitageheart.org.
I love this podcasts buy I always forget to comment on them. Love them all. especially the monthly talks