Jun 29, 2020
This Dharma talk was given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik at the Great Heartland Temple of Toledo. In this talk, Rinsen Roshi explores the next passage in our series from Yung-chia's Song of Realizing the Way.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, or to make a contribution in support of...
Jun 22, 2020
This Dharma talk was given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik at the Great Heartland Temple of Toledo. In this talk, Rinsen Roshi discusses a passage from Yung-chia's Song of Realizing the Way.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo, or to make a contribution in support of this podcast, please...
Jun 15, 2020
In this talk, Roshi reads an official statement from the Buddhist Temple of Toledo about the Black Lives Matter movement and discusses the work we must do to listen deeply, acknowledge, and begin to dismantle systemic racism in our collective human society.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple...
Jun 8, 2020
This Dharma talk was given by the Reverends Jay Rinsen Weik and Karen Do'on Weik at the Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this special talk given in honor of Buddha's birthday, Rinsen Roshi and Do'on Osho talk about the importance of the historical Buddha, as well as the importance of encountering...
Jun 3, 2020
This is a Dharma Talk given by the Reverend Jay Rinsen Weik Roshi at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo. In this talk Rinsen Roshi explores the nature of the true self, always full and clear, never found and never lost.
If you would like to learn more about the Buddhist Temple of Toledo or to make a donation in support of...